Saturday, November 3, 2018

How I AM Honoring My Ancestors By Withholding My Vote!

Let's get one thing straight, Ms. Oprah! America is one big plantation and we are ALL slaves. Some of the slaves came here willingly and some came in chains. The willing slaves were given the illusion of equality by being given the power to vote for who gets to run their part of the plantation. They were told the chain slaves and women would never have any rights to vote so the willing, land-owning, MALE slaves would always hold all the power in how the plantation is run.

One day massa took the chains off them chain slaves and made them act more like the willing slaves. The ones who wouldn't act right-well, most of them just got killed or thrown in jail. Eventually, massa said they can vote too. So now massa got two sets of slaves! And that's exactly how he likes it.

One set of slaves is conditioned to only want what their wicked masters want even if it kills them. They like the days when only THEY ran the plantation. They just wanna make the plantation great again. The other set of slaves is conditioned to BELIEVE that their masters only want what they want. You see, massa made them a bunch of promises for which they refuse to stop waiting and ain't never gonna get. So, both sets of slaves are woefully deceived, so they just keep fighting each other over which one's gonna get to run massa's plantation.

So, let it be known, I'm not going to vote on your wicked laws and lawmakers that have oppressed my people in this land for more than 400 years! I utterly reject and oppose your system. I'm not going to VOTE within that system to preserve it. Voting is merely the action of two parties fighting over who gets to control the plantation! If I haven't already made myself clear, I want NO PARTS OF DIS HERE PLANTATION! I want my FREEDOM! If you ain't voting on that, then there's nothing left to negotiate!!!

Your "vote-shaming" DOES NOT and WILL NOT work on me. The following ridiculous scenario is what plays out in my head every time I hear yelling to "GET OUT AND VOTE!" Let's take me, you and like 5 other people who are waiting at a bus stop about to go off to our various destinations. All of a sudden, a strange van pulls up in front of the stop and a bunch of people jump out. They gag us, bind us, and blindfold us then throw us in the back of the van and speed off.

Now clearly, we are no longer choosing our own destinations...our kidnappers are in control of us and where we are going. But the driver decides he's hungry and wants to stop and get something to eat for him and his new victims. But this is our lucky day, right? We get to choose between Chinese or Italian. So the kidnappers ungag us one by one for our votes and all the hostages choose until they finally get to me and I say, "I don't want Chinese OR Italian, I want out of this van."

Next thing I hear is all 6 other people who got kidnapped right along with me yelling at me about how our ancestors got kidnapped by these same people and died hungry in this same van because they weren't given any food at all, let alone a CHOICE. What's your point??? I'm still kidnapped. I'm still a hostage. I still don't have my freedom. My ancestors who got kidnapped before me never got theirs! So why am I voting if it's not leading me closer to getting out of this van and reclaiming my freedom? Likewise, I have no need to vote on your wicked laws and lawmakers. My people have their OWN laws and but ONE Lawgiver...His name is YAHUAH! And ain't no need to vote on THAT!!!

Regardless of WHAT happened to my ancestors at the hand of these same people, won't my vote imply that I am COMPLICIT in my own kidnapping? So the rest of you are just going to stay with them because they're giving you a choice between Italian and Chinese???? This is exactly what your government does. They only allow you to elect politicians and vote on laws to make you happier slaves or themselves happier masters, but they will NEVER table the discussion of your complete and unconditional release and restoration. You will NOT use my vote to solidify your own power while continuing to rob me of mine.

It doesn't matter if I vote or not. It doesn't matter if I choose red or blue. It doesn't matter if I wan't Chinese or Italian! You're STILL holding me hostage. You're STILL going to "kill" me. You're still going to hate me. You're still going to miseducate me. You're still going to use me. You're still going to abuse me. You're still going to oppress me. You're still going to mess with me. So what choice do I really have when all I want is my FREEDOM NOW! NOTHING LESS WILL DO! NO! I will NOT get out and VOTE! I just GET OUT!

My freedom is NON-NEGOTIABLE! You will not con me into accepting anything less. They say your vote is your voice, but that's only in THIS wicked system. In MY MASTER'S KINGDOM, my VOICE is my VOICE! When I speak, HE hears and HE answers and judges righteously in ALL things concerning me. And when I tell you HE has heard and is answering the prayers of his afflicted, look around you and check the proof. JUDAH! Open your eyes you beloved children of Yah! It's over! It's time to GO! Our 400 years in captivity has concluded according to Biblical prophecy!

What my ancestors did at an earlier time in this country was done to preserve and protect themselves during THAT time. We cannot become stuck in what they tried to do that has yet to work. After decades of voting, marching, rioting, singing, and waiting, we are no freer today than we were then. They've just given us the illusion that we are. But I know better! What's happening in Flint, Michigan right now ain't freedom. This is a NEW DAY dawning. Although the situation has changed, the facts have not! I'm still being held hostage while my homeland, Israel, is being occupied by invading imposters. But no one wants to talk about that.

Oprah and the rest of the vote-shamers can miss me with that dishonoring my ancestors BS! I can only dishonor my ancestors by failing to learn from their experiences and refusing to make different choices than they did based on the information that is available to me now. They were fed lies. They were manipulated. They were exploited. So was I. Yet they still fought on and won the right to vote- as I will fight on until I gain my freedom.

After watching this play out for 400 years, I no longer want the vote. The stakes are much higher than that now. Had it been given fairly and freely in the first place, I would have happily maintained my position as a compliant, happy, voting slave. But now I know that the Father's plan was NEVER for us to become comfortable in our captivity, we were meant to be CORRECTED in our CAPTIVITY. Read all about it in Baruch Chapter 2.

So, Oprah, spare me your weak, tired, UN-woke, UN-righteous indignation about my conscious decision to withhold my vote from "massa." I got other things in mind besides what "massa" will or won't do for me, but y'all just keep on voting about what happens on HIS plantation. Have at it! I GOT FREEDOM ON MY MIND!